About DetoxPads.org

Often times, when we suffer from feelings of fatigue, finding ourselves in a general malaise for which there seems no specific medical cause, toxicity is to blame. Purging ourselves of these toxins can help our bodies re-invigorate, leading to everything from increased energy to better circulation to a faster metabolism. The Foot Detox Pads are based on an ancient Japanese method of detoxification and have helped countless people purify their bodies and live healthier lives.

doctor of detox pads
Detox Pads are a product of BodyPure, a family-owned company dedicated to bringing the finest alternative health products to men and women. Our company was founded by Dr. Daniel Vinograd,  a licensed naturopathic doctor, holistic dentist and holistic healer. For more than 30 years, Dr. Vinograd has researched ancient natural healing methods and then used his findings to develop innovative alternative health products designed for modern lifestyles. Not only has Dr. Vinograd helped formulate, researched and test our Detox Pads, but he also uses them himself – and recommends them to his family, friends and patients (a testament to their safety and effectiveness). Visit http://drvinograd.com or http://besttoothpaste.net for more information about Dr. Vinograd


BodyPure is truly a family operation. Our CEO and Director of Technical Operations is Dr. Vinograd’s son, an industrial engineer committed to leading the BodyPure team as our company continues to grow. Nora Vinograd left a career as an architect to assist with the business and is responsible for building long-term relationships with the company’s vendors, partners and customers. Albert Levine serves as Director of Operations and brings with him an MBA and baccalaureate in Industrial and Operations Engineering.


Our entire team is committed to ensuring that our Detox Pads are of the finest quality and that their prices are as affordable as possible, to make them a viable solution for the health conscious. We are always willing to assist our customers before, during and after purchases, so please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.



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